Thursday 14 October 2010

Manchester/Positive Action

thanks to everyone that made our gig in Manchester possible at in the city. It is extremely difficult being in a band made up of students, low wage workers and the unemployed. Getting out of town for what would seem a short distance is made ten times harder by the fact that trains are extortionate, buses take forever so you have to take time off work (thus losing money towards rent and food etc) and generally for a low level London band like ourselves to own a car is at least 100-1.

No-one likes to play the hard done by card but its thanks to great purveyors and lovers of music from people like Nick Frasier and Tim Burgess that help bands like us actually get the chance to leave the London. Without them we would never have got to go to the great industrial city of Manchester, so thank you so much for making those sacrifices for us.

On Saturday we play the wonderful jamboree club in limehouse. It is a relatively unknown venue but a beautiful one definitely worth the one 20minute bus ride it takes to get there from old st. Traveling there is certainly not the mission most people make it out to be.

The gig is for Positive action who we are aligned with, they put on gigs for local charities and causes raising much needed money and awareness for these small organizations.

This weeks event is raising money for CND (Campaign for nuclear disarment), Unite against Fascism and dial house.

and whats more for the unemployed is donation only.

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